Valentine's Day 2025
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and you can already feel love in the air.... or is that the smell of freshly baked pie??
Celebrate you and everyone you love this Valentine's Day with Bean & Pie!
When & Where:
Coeur d'Alene:
Bean & Pie - 504 E Sherman Ave
Friday, February 14th
Bean & Pie - 504 E Sherman Ave
Friday, February 14th
10am - 4pm
Options for Spokane and Liberty Lake pickup include all three New Love Coffee Locations!
New Love Coffee - Liberty Lake - 21802 E Indiana Ave
Friday, February 14th
6am - 4pm
New Love Coffee - Francis Ave - 1212 W Francis Ave
Friday, February 14th
6am - 4pm
New Love Coffee - Kendall Yards - 1102 W Summit Pkwy Suite 102
Friday, February 14th
6am - 4pm
Please note: all pies that are not picked up will be donated to a nonprofit in our community. We are unable to offer refunds on any pies that are not picked up, since we bake all pies to order. Thank you for understanding.